Kenny Rogers Presents The Toy Shoppe Starring Billy Dean (DVD)
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A holiday musical written and created by Kenny Rogers and Kelly Junkerman. Billy Dean leads the ensemble of dancing toys and spirited children in this Heartwarming family-friendly, Christmas tale.
Contains the following songs:
Merry Christmas- Cast
I Want To Be A Christmas Present- Toys
Heroes- Billy Dean
Let Them Be Little- Billy Dean
Money Isn't What Really Matters- Billy Dean/Kids
Don't Give Up On Me' Billy Dean/Jillian Jacqueline
Welcome To The Bank Hank-Cast
Silent Night' Billy Dean/Kids
Love Me Just For Me- Jillian Jacqueline
If Only I Had Your Heart- Billy Dean/Chloe Channell
Mr Perfect- The Toys
I Promise You- Billy Dean
The Toy Shoppe- Cast